
Hairstorm problems are possible to treat

Occasionally we make the doctors mentally ill patients in many cases. I named the problem "Doctor's Induced Psychological Problems". And I get such patients in between. Yesterday's words. Mother came to her son Hair fall problem In Dhaka, none of the low-cost dermatologist was dropped. Last went to a laser center. The treatment is going on here. For the test-laser, the cost of 15/20 thousand rupees is already spent. I wrote a prescription to talk to the young man. As soon as I said to others, I did not have any magic treatment for hair fall. Despite all the efforts of the doctor and expensive expensive medicines, most patients do not get the desired results even after laser use. The young said, I have been using the medicines you have given for
the past three years and have changed a dozen doctors in these three years. There is no gain, but hair growth is increasing. But you gave the old medicines. I do not want to listen to all this. I want to see hair growing in three months. Unable to be satisfied with my words, the young man was a little angry and went out of the chamber. This problem is what I call Doctor's Induced Psychological Problems. That means that if we could start from this beginning, it would not be possible to treat hairy hair, but it is not possible to treat hairy problems with any kind of assurance. So the young man would not have been so mad. It's my belief. I try to say that in many cases the hair gush. The patient is happy. Again, in the case of 30/40%, the patient's problem is not solved despite all types of treatment. If we can not take treatment for a patient with adequate time, we can at least give the patient some relief.

However, the youth of yesterday was so frustrated to treat the hair that he has never been proficient enough to try to convince him very well. He is so negative about doctors like us that he did not believe in any advice and simple sentence. When I left the chamber I did not believe any doctor. Mother, come with the doctor's visit.

I think, if we could explain to each patient the feeling of depression, then the frustrated young people in treatment would have the courage. The doctors were relieved. But due to many of us, the youth are losing confidence in many cases from doctors. We should understand it. Then one day the patients will start to return the confidence. Of course, there are many good doctors. Patients who are sure to have confidence.
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