Smart phone shirt smart, smart shirts A group of scientists at the University of Laval University have created a shirt that will cause the lungs fluctuations. They said that he or an uninterrupted T-shirt, an antenna that is knitted close to the chest. Antenna made with hollow optical fiber is wrapped with narrow silver plates and outside polymers, so that the antenna does not damage the weather. Feeling the lungs, Antenna will enhance her picture. Then the information will be sent to smart phone or shirt
on the nearest computer to the antenna. If someone breathes in the lungs of his lungs will see how much antenna smart fiber. Likewise, the fiber that will keep its lungs during the exhalation will also be observed. Antenna will collect information about the change in the body during breathing. There is no need for antenna connection to the person who is wearing the T-shirt for this job. The person who is sitting, standing, moving or lying down will still have to do his own work. Antenna
Scientists have tested whether the antenna can do the work even after cleansing the T-shirt on the saupanipani. The T-shirt has been washed 20 times on experimental soappanii. Antenna is still working on behalf of scientists. The shirts of scientists hope to be very effective for the patients of respiratory and insomnia.