
Travel: Why are these places so mysterious?

There is no end to mysteries in this world. There are many mysteries spread around small and large.Among them there are some mysteries that people are thinking about. But there was no climax. There are a number of places on this planet, when everyone remembers, how many such mysteries are they? Learn about some such places to know. The tourists who travel around the world can make preparations for thought. They were briefly told about them.

1. Blood Falas, Antarctica
Bloody waterfall through the white ice! Nobody will think of imagining these amazing scenes. The Great Taylor Glasier, in Antarctica, finds it. Scientists have gripped so much that the shape of a bright red shawl is the reason behind this wonderful scene. Geologists say that salt water rich in water under the glacier flows. Whatever the explanation, what is the significance of blood water in the state of the ice?
2. Moirecky Boulders, New Zealand
According to Maori legend, Moiraki Boulders is actually the Eel Fish Toss. These legions of the legendary boat drowned were spread out. Scientists research says that these rocks have been made strong in the seafront. They are created due to landslides along the beach.
3. Sarthese, Iceland
In 1963, a volcano below the water flames. A few days later, one island rose. It is 500 meters long and 45 meters wide. It is named after the name of Sarsar in the name of Norse Mitholji fire.
4. Pamukale, Turkey
The word pamukala means the palace of cotton. Turkey is a place made of nature which is located in the province of Denzilli. The white limestones have a sculpture of calcium. This has happened for thousands of years. Legend says that a huge monster gave its cotton to dry. These are made of them.
5. Eternal Flame Falas, New York
At first sight it seems to be an illusion. But the reality is that the reflection of a golden coloring pillar is in the pamukale. According to geologists, the fire that burns naturally here is burning in the gas coming out of the ground. The fountain flowing through this fire A beautiful look of nature.
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