
The food that stimulates the brain

With age, the performance of all parts of the body decreases, it is no different for the brain. However, some foods fill this scent.

Studies have shown that the right foods can stimulate the brain. Let us know what kind of food the brain nourishes:

The food that stimulates the brain
Green shoe has a lot of 'swollen' which reduces the amount of amino acids called 'Homocysteine' in the blood. Homocysteine destroys the brain's nerves. A lot of broccoli, spinach, etc., plays greens and prevents nerve damage and regenerates the nerve.

The food that stimulates the brain
Sweet foods
Carbohydrate and Vitamin A, C and Vitamin E-foods are needed to keep the brain fresh, quick and stable. If the work is under pressure, one type of hormone is released from the body. As a result, interest in sweet foods is created. At the same time eating chocolate or sweet foods, blood sugar increases very quickly and the brain becomes proliferated.

The food that stimulates the brain
Jam cherry and nut fruits
Most jam cherries and nut fruits, especially black pepper, blueberries, strawberries remove toxic proteins for the body. This poisonous protein is responsible for the loss of memory over time. These fruits increase the sense of food.

The food that stimulates the brain
Omega 3 meals
Omega Three Fatty Acid is a very important tonic for the health of the brain. These are beneficial to increase neuron's performance and physical exposure. Fish is one of the main sources of fatty acids. However, vegetarians can choose to meet the requirements of fatty acids, edible algae, marine algae and other marine vegetables.

The food that stimulates the brain
Vitamin E additives
Vitamin A is a very useful nutrient component for the external and internal health of the body. The food that contains Vitamin A contains anti-oxidants, long-term memory enhancement, and age-related disorders of body parts. Olive oil, avocado, sunflower, pumpkin seeds and all types of nuts are the ideal source of Vitamin-E.

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