
Fitness: Apple keeps the heart healthy

Small apples are known to apples. Eating freshly and poisonous apples is very beneficial.
Our effort is not to lose weight. We also know about mortality cancers. Cancer means reaching to death. Such a deadly disease that cuts off the diseased part of the body and is not spared. But the beneficial apple is also effective in preventing cancer. Playing regular apples reduces the risk of getting infected with this disease. Apples are good for keeping the heart healthy.

For strong heart: Apple is called effective medicine for heart. Apart from this, apple is quite beneficial to keep cholesterol levels low. Those who eat two apples per day, their cholesterol levels are lower than others.
Lung cancer prevention: Apel is effective enough to prevent lung cancer. Those who eat more apples, their risk of lung cancer can be reduced by half.
Breast cancer preventants: Apple breast cancer is also helpful. One study found that women who consumed one apples each day, the risk of getting the disease from others reduced by 17 percent. As the number of apples increases, the risk of breast cancer will be reduced. The danger of playing three apples per day is reduced by 39 percent. If the number is six, then the danger comes down to 44 percent.
Weight loss: Many people reduce food intake to reduce weight. But the apple may be a little relief for them. Because Apple has a great effect in weight loss combat. Especially those women who want to lose weight can get better results than diet three daily apples.
Resistance to asthma: One study found that children who eat apple juice every day, others have lower risk of their disease. According to the same study, the mothers of mothers who have had apple in their babies are less likely to be infected with this disease.

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